


Allan Thomas · Mojo

I’m a singer, songwriter, guitar-slinger, recording artist and performer living and working on the island of Kauai in Hawaii. It’s been over 50 years since I released my first album, and I released my 7th studio album, The Journey in 2021. It was recorded in a year and a half at the start of the pandemic at Black Bamboo Recordings studio—allowing me to escape to the ocean to surf and windsurf between session dates.

I’m super excited to announce the release of the first single from my upcoming 8th album Mojo co-written with my longtime friend and guitarist Bryan Kessler.

With ‘Mojo’ I was trying to tackle and explore that ineffable something that fulfills one whatever it may be and whatever you may call it. It makes you feel whole, like you’re on the right track, like you stumbled upon the answer or a holy grail. It could take the shape of many things, but you know it when you experience it. Many people spend their lives in search of it sometimes briefly touching upon it, other times never finding it at all. May we all find our mojo.

Allan Thomas - vocal
Bryan Kessler - guitars
Michael Ruff - keyboards
Jimmy Johnson - bass
Keith Carlock - drums
Amanda Frazier - backing vocals
